

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Thought-Provoking Questions That Can Inspire Us

Today, we will like to talk about “asking the right questions”. Questions that will push us to be what we should be. The right questions can be a step in the right direction in times of trouble. They can be the light we seek in days of thick darkness. So it is very important that we ask the “right questions” at the “right times”.

 So many people shy away from confronting themselves with some kind of questions, not because they do not know the answers to the questions, but because of the answer they’d give to it, so it’s better for them to distance themselves from it. They run away from the questions because the answer threatens their “beloved comfortable life”. So, they better live with the norm than be outstanding. This kind of people fails to understand that they cannot run away from these questions for ever. They will eventually have to give answers to the questions some day.
questions that can inspire us
 Whenever we are faced with these thought-provoking questions, shying away from them will only compound matters in the future. It is better we answer the questions honestly as it relates to us. Like they say; a stitch in time saves nine. Yes, it could be difficult, but you will greatly benefit from your honesty in the future. Remember, don’t just ask the questions. Do everything in your power to answer them HONESTLY. 

 In this post, I will be highlighting certain thought-provoking questions to help us discover our bearings, passions and hidden inner-strengths in life.

 Here we go:

 • What Are My Strengths And Weaknesses?
This question will help us to know things we can do and things we can’t. My mentor, Pastor David Adeoye of Royalty Christian Centre once told me to major on my strengths and minor on my weaknesses. This will save us a lot of precious time and resources as we know what we can handle and go for it, or to get people to get them done for us.

 • What Would I Do If I Knew I Won’t Fail?
This fear of failure have kept so many great authors, singers, actors, politicians and other great people from becoming whom God wants them to be. But think about this, what if you knew you wouldn’t fail, how would you have reacted to the criticisms and disappointments? I’m sure you’d have kept pressing and pushing for the ultimate prize and nothing less. So, what do you have to lose if you keep pushing and pressing for success and overlook what “people will say” or the fear of failure? The truth is that people will definitely talk about you; either you do wrong or right. So, just do what is right and let your massive success do the talking for you.

What Do People Say I’m Good At?
We are the actors, and people around us are the audience, so sometimes we have to know what people think about us. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say that people’s opinion about your life should define who you are. I’m only saying we need to step out and know what people think about us; our flaws, our high points, and all our other attributes. We need to know where to improve upon and where to stop totally.

 • What Makes Me Feel Unsecured, And What Makes Me Feel Comfortable?
This is very important as we need to know things or places or events that tend to make us feel sad, happy, moody, joyous, unsecured, angry etc. We need to truly know who we are, so that other people’s reaction wouldn’t affect how we see ourselves and how we live our lives. We need to take full responsibility of our feelings. Know yourself and learn to control your emotions.

 • Can I Be A Friend Or Marry Someone Who Has And Live My Exact Lifestyle?
This one is very important. Can you be a friend to someone who lives his/her life like you? Can you marry a man or a woman who lives like you? For a lady to marry a king, she needs to carry herself like a queen and vice-versa. Do you think you can live peacefully with someone like you? If yes, then be a better version of you and if no, work on yourself TODAY.

 • What Do You Do When You Feel Cornered, Depressed Or Fulfilled?
This has to do with how we react and relate to external factors that tend to shift our emotions. How do we deal with them? Do we feel defeated at the slightest form of disapproval from men? Do we feel like a failure when we get a “NO” from businessmen? How do you feel when your business proposal is turned down? Do you lose hope, or do you keep pressing on? How do you feel when you record a major accomplishment?

Which Fate Is Worse; Failing Or Not Trying At All?
Everyone hates failure, as a matter of fact; nobody wants to be known as a failure. But be honest, is it really worse than not trying to do anything in the first place? Have you ever regretted not trying a thing at all? That feeling, does it feel as painful as failing at the thing?

 • What Can I Add, Remove Or Change To Make My Life Better?
If we are to be honest with ourselves, what do you think you can add, remove or change about your current lifestyle that would make your life better? Now, how do you think you can add, remove or change the thing? Only you know the answer to that question.

 • What Or Who Is Worth Sacrificing My Life For?
Is there someone or something that is worth laying down your life for? How deeply do you think and feel about the person/thing?

Which Is More Important; Doing The Right Things Or To Do Things Right?
When you do things right, you can attain great heights and record wonderful accomplishments. But when you’re doing the right things, it does not really mean you’re doing the right things in the right way. So what do you think about this, is it really important to do the right things instead of doing things right? Can you gladly do right things even though you’re not doing it the right way? Interesting…

Are You The Same Person You Are 5 – 10 Years Ago?
We grow old every day. We change, we learn, we unlearn and we re-learn. Do you think you are a better or a worse version of YOU than you was 5 years ago or 10 years ago? Check and balance this.

 In conclusion, Bruce Lee said “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer”. I hope you find this article helpful in your quest for greatness? See you at the top.

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